What is Surf Therapy

By Real Men’s Health

Surf therapy is a defined as a ‘structured intervention which utilises surfing as a vehicle to achieve therapeutic benefit’.

What are the health benefits of surf therapy?

Surf therapy has documented physiological benefits. US research published in the Disability and Health Journal demonstrated that 71 children with disabilities who engaged in an 8-week surfing intervention program displayed statistical improvements in core strength, cardio-respiratory endurance, total body fat and bone mineral density.

The psychological benefits of surf therapy was observed in a study of military veterans. This research showed that anxiety, depression was reduced and that positive affect improved following a 6-week surfing program. A Portuguese study also found similar psycho-social benefits within adolescents, who reported improved social competencies, problem-solving and emotional regulation following a structured surf therapy program.

A meta-synthesis of talking therapy in natural spaces published in the Clinical Psychology Review journal noted that outdoor therapy ‘was effective not only in connecting clients with the natural world, but also through enriching the therapeutic encounter’.

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